December 15, 2006

Raising spiders: What spiders need

A natural raisin environment

- A glass jar of wide opening, with a metallic cloth on, tied up with elastics, ors with a top with holes.
- For species that make nests in water, you have to put a top filled with water. - For species that make nests in ground, put 1to2 inches of soil or sand on the bottom of the jar. Also put a broken plant pot or a piece pf branch to give it a place of shelter. Apiece of paper towel can be used to replace soil for some species.

- For spider web making species, put a stick where the spider can fix its spider web. Fix the stick with a bit of Play-doh.

Spider food
Most spiders eat insects alive. Many capture insects to eat with a sticky web, which can be precious knitting or a disorder collection of threads.

It is easy feeding a spider, caching flies or any other insect, and release them inside the jar where the spider is living. Insects that are going to be the food of the spider must be alive and have to be smaller that it. Actually, they can eat insects bigger than them, but there is the risk that the other insect may destroy the spider.

On the other hand, spiders do not accept dead insects, they prefer to immobilize them injecting them poison. Some spiders also inject their victims with some enzyme that turns them into liquid. One insect per week is enough. You can offer insects more often to determine the feeding need of your spider.

Spiders get all the water they need from the insects they eat, but spiders in captivity need additional water. For spices that make nests in the ground, give them a lid with water. If the spider is smaller than the lid, add some little stones on the lid to avoid the spider gets choke.
For web-making spiders, add water by little with a spray each week (this depend on the natural humidity of the environment). The spider will drink water from its web. Spraying water also works for spiders that live in paper towels.


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